Lessons & Reflections of 5783:Restoration

A Word to Inspire…
October 27, 2023
“ A thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.”
John10:10 HCSB
During the fourth quarter, breathing in Ruach (the breath of God) without restrictions, interruptions, and total shalom feels perfect. Oh, what a beautiful feeling to know that you are flowing in the will of El Elyon (the Most High God). Am I now perfect, by no means NOT! But I am not deliberately working sinfully or being misled.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12 KJV
We must remember that we fight not against flesh and blood but the ENEMY OF ELOHIM (GOD)! The enemy will seek to destroy a person directly by tripping them up or using them to trip up someone else. Either way, individuals may only know they are being used in many cases once it is too late.
When we choose to move from under the covering of Yahweh, the armor we are told to wear can no longer protect us from the attacks, mainly because it is Yahweh who protects our rear side. The armor covers the darts that fly at us; Yahweh prevents any sneak attacks.
Even when we want to do right and are seemingly being used by Yahweh, we may have a crack in our armor that allows us to be used by the enemy of our faith. Let’s not walk with the semblance of the kingdom but physically cover both mentally and physically.
As I entered the fourth quarter, many other lessons were revealed to me. However, living in a Kingdom under Elohim’s mandate isn’t a course taken or a certificate received, and now we are proficient. It’s the skin you live in daily, it’s the Word you digest continuously, it’s the style of life you choose to live. No one is perfect; we are still human, wrapped in sinful flesh. Whatever issues we had before coming into the full knowledge and intention of the written instruction of Elohim, we still possess. The difference is we now have an advocate to assist us daily.
The best feeling was ending the year, knowing I’d received restoration to Yahweh’s court. He has trusted me to birth a project. He finds me worthy to oversee with His oversight through those He has assigned to my life.