Lessons & Reflections of 5783: Father’s Voice

Word to Inspire…
October 26, 2023
When you know who you are and the One whom you belong to without a shadow of a doubt, His voice is unmistakable.
That voice becomes your beacon from dusk to dawn. The voice that leads you along every path you take.
But at times, other representatives enter your path, the voices of those traveling alongside you or those who have traveled such a path and now guide others.
Voices that understand your journey, challenges, past, dreams, and aspirations. Voices that seem to understand your trials and tribulations, who seemed wise and learned, or divinely sent to help you become.
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.”
John 10:10 KJV
But the beacon of light from within you has now dimmed. You’re currently walking on a riddled path with pebbles and rocks. The air has become still and stagnant. Your direction has stayed the same, and your plans are still the same.
Yet something has…
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: and I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”
John 10:27-28 KJV
When your focus is through the vision of Yahweh, He makes your crooked path straight. No shadow of darkness hovers when your ears are tuned only to Yahweh. When you follow the direction of your Abba Yahweh, the stench of disobedience can never be produced.
Prophet Jeremiah informed the children of Israel that Elohim had a plan for them, a future of shalom, not evil or suffering, to give them a successful life.
Jeremiah 29:11
“Elohim gave the children of Israel fourteen promises directly if they would listen to the Word He decreed for them to live by.”
Deuteronomy 28:1-14
Yet, to understand Elohim’s plan for us and to receive His promises, we must place no other god or man before Him.
Learn the voice of Yahweh, our Most High. Allow no other idol’s voice to replace His and lead you to a slow, suffocating death.
My biggest mistake was allowing another voice to place that of Abba Yahweh. A voice that used His words but changed the intention of Adonia’s words. Much like in the Garden of Eden, the serpent used Elohim’s (God’s) words but distorted them just enough to give Eve food for thought.
I, on the other hand, knew Yahweh’s commandments for myself. Yet, I allowed the voice of another to interpret them differently from what I was told, override my previous teaching and understanding, and convince me it was alright, much like the tale of the two prophets in 1st Kings 13. Thankfully, Yahweh is merciful, and I am not called to be a Prophet in His court.
Remember that grandmaster spirit akin to previous visitors. Well, this lesson, though I thought I learned years earlier, I realized I only had rudimentary training. This time, it came knowing every weakness discovered previously, entrapping me in ways I could not expect as anything other than genuine. Discernment is good, but knowing the voice and will of the Father without a shadow of a doubt is the only fail-proof way of avoiding this deadly, costly mistake.
Join me tomorrow to conclude the ‘Lessons & Reflections of 5783′.