A Word to Inspire

September 25, 2023
A brother in faith wrote that we shouldn’t take for granted that we are alive today. Many did not receive such a gift this morning.
Another person is murmuring about going to work in the rain or dealing with people they do not like. Another person is struggling to keep shelter and food for their family because they received a pink slip.
Others take their good health for granted, doing and consuming whatever they desire without considering tomorrow. As a family awaits if their loved ones will receive a lung transplant, however, who never inhaled anything except air.
Life, good fortune, wealth, prosperity, health, safety, soundness of mind, and other attributes of a good life don’t come from grinding or naming it and claiming it mantras. It comes from a relationship with Elohim (God), who has given you those witty ideas that granted you the opportunity to pursue or invent that which produced the revenue to flourish the lifestyle you now live. It comes from understanding when he who builds his house labors in vain for your foundation is unstable. But when Yahweh (the Lord) elevates you, your foundation is secure, and your home is impenetrable by the reckoning ball of man.
It starts with the understanding that when Yahweh knitted you in the secrecy of your mother’s womb, He created a temple that he desired to have a residence and expected us to care for and nurture this temple so that we would have a long life, honoring and delighting in Yahweh in all our ways.
The attributes of a good life originate in one having a relation with the creator of life, the Alpha and Omega, the I am that I am, the mind regulator (Yahweh Shalom), a physician in the hospital’s room (Yahweh Rophe), the underwriter of your finances (Yahweh Jireth), El Elyon (the Most High God), El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty). He is Elohim, the creator of heaven and earth and everything that dwells within.